Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's Discordian, Not Random I Assure You

New Project:

The Secret Master's have determined that I have to write a Death Knight instancing guide for new DKs who want to run friends through instances. Kind of a niche thing, but the Secret Master's are not to be trifled with, so I'm working on it, but I have to actually test it. That means it will probably show up next week. I have about 10 DKs on various servers, so it shouldn't take too long.

The Blood Money project:

I made two levels last night, getting to 14, but ran out of money for training before I was able to find the gnome or goblin responsible. I was able to make it up in short order, and actually have a surplus now by just doing more quests, but it surprised me a little that I actually ran out since I am not buying anything except the occasional arrow or a little thread for leatherworking. That said, you REALLY want to use the Auction House when leveling a character to sell stuff (just don't buy stuff unless it's both really cheap and really good). I decided to do it on Borean Tundra because the economy there would be brand new and thus completely broken (and give me an idea of exactly how a new economy ramps up)

I'll be keeping track of how well my Auction House mule does as well. So far nothing has sold, but thanks to signing a guild charter he has a little gold. When I go to a new server, answering guild charter signing ads is one way to get a quick start, but it's like writing: Do it in private, and wash your hands afterward. (Thank you Mr. Heinlein)

IA IA Yog Thulu

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