Monday, February 2, 2009

Druids Attempt to Control Nature

And fail.

This is because Druids are Nature, not the fluffy bunny pacifists to all the cuddly furry creatures that some seem to think they are.

Druids are the enforcers of order in Nature. They aren't going to save the bunny from the panther, but they are going to bust a staff off in the ass of either if they get too far out of line with each other. Too many bunnies turns into too many panthers, which turns in turn will tend to turn into too few bunnies, leaving too many panthers, so Nature calls in a favor and the Druids are who she calls. See, it's better for a panther to die healthy than to get all sickly and spread corruption through the panther population.

So the next time you think it's odd that some druid is paying you whack some critter, just be glad you don't have to be the one to contract out a hit on your best friends. Cause Druids, they love them critters enough to have em killed when they need it.

And yes, Hemet, is one of us. The DEHTA you say? They are just the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. Don't believe me? Then why doesn't doing work for Hemet drop your Rep with the Cenarion factions?

-IA IA Yog Thulhu

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you.. it's about the balance.. and if that means exterminating the overpopulation of baby fur seals, then so be it
