I'm here to report that I have successfully recruited a new agent and managed to insert him into Azeroth. The fact that we are related is completely irrelevant. He was, if anything, harder to convince than a stranger. He's known me all his life and was on to most of my tricks. I even showed him the game the last time he was here.
Then, out of the blue, it all came to fruition, he called me up and he was sold. So I set him up for a quick promotion (Recruit-A-Friend) and we started on a newish server, using my guide. We chose Grizzly Hills, because it was new and has tons of new players like him on it. It meant I was stuck without higher support, but once transfers and/or DKs open I figure I will remedy it.
The real hassle is that his pretty much completely ruined my plans for the DK instance guide and the Blood Money project, so those are on hold for a bit. I might just restart the Blood Money project on Grizzly Hills. It also explains to the three people reading this why I haven't posted in a week.
This also prompted me to actually delete a ton of my Alts on other servers and recreate them on the new server. So pretty much, any toon that was lower than level 40 got the axe, plus a few Death Knights. I have tons of alternate identities and it was time to purge them, yeah, purge I said. The highest non-DK toon I deleted was a level 35 Dwarf Paladin with maxxed out enchanting and I deleted a level 60 DK on that server as well. Crazy... Yeah, but when I was done, I was left with one toon on that server that I will actually pay to transfer off. See, I have two accounts (and this will actually be my second RAF, my Night Elf Druid loves his Zhevra) and after I transfer off that last toon, I can create a horde DK on that PVP Server, giving me one account as Horde and on account as Alliance on that PVP server. I'll explain the benefits of that in a later post.
So anyway, I'll be leveling fast and furious, and I will try and keep some updates going for those curious about the process.
-IA IA Yog Thulhu
South African On-line Casinos
2 years ago
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